Currently valid information on the operation of IHM (updated to November 15, 2021)

The school building at Svídnická 506/1, 181 00 Prague 8 is open to students and the public from Monday to Thursday from 7:30 to 19:15 and on Friday from 7:30 to 16:00The stay in the school building is allowed only with respirator covering nose and mouth. Persons with symptoms of covid-19 are not allowed to enter the school building. It is always necessary to observe the currently valid restrictions resulting from government or hygienic station regulations.

In accordance with the protective measure of the MZČR no .: MZDR 20599 / 2020-114 / MIN / KAN, it is necessary to report the stay abroad (according to points 19 and 20 of the given measure) and insert a document proving infectivity directly in the IS IHM at the link: https: // Applicants for study and other persons who do not yet have access to the IS can use the e-mail for these purposes.

Teaching currently takes place in the full-time form in the school building in compliance with all currently valid hygiene measures.

It is forbidden to move and stay in the school building without respiratory protection (nose, mouth), which is a respirator or similar device (always without exhalation valve) meeting at least all technical conditions and requirements (for the product), including filtration efficiency of at least 94% according to relevant standards (eg FFP2, CN 95). 

The prohibition does not apply to: 

  • students in education who sit on a bench or are otherwise seated,
    • If there are more than 50 students in the room, these students must also wear a respirator or similar protective device covering the nose and mouth.
  • pedagogical staff or academics who have been vaccinated against covid-19 disease and from the completed vaccination schedule according to the data summary at least 14 days have elapsed about the product, while providing education,
  • the examiner and the examiner during the test, if all persons maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meters and both the examiner and the examiner agree with this exception,
  • customers of catering establishments at the time of consumption of food and meals, including beverages, provided that the customer is sitting at a table,
  • persons outside catering establishments for the time strictly necessary for the consumption of food and meals, including beverages,
  • persons who, for serious health reasons, cannot wear a respirator and are able to prove this fact by a medical certificate; however, these persons are obliged to wear another respiratory protective device, which is specified in the medical certificate.

Personal presence of students in the VŠH building is possible only if the student does not have symptoms of COVID-19.

Students' participation in the internship is allowed and students are obliged to follow the instructions of the professional internship provider.

Ceremonial ceremonies (matriculation, graduation, inauguration) are possible in compliance with all applicable hygiene measures.

The Study Department works according to standard operating hours.

The IHM Study Room and the Library of dr. Jaroslav Holoubek in IHM operates according to standard opening hours. The Mlsná zrzka café is open from Monday to Thursday from 8:00 to 16:00

If you need further information, you can contact us by e-mail

We wish you good health and we ask you to comply with all applicable measures.