Marketing Communication in the Service Industry
This field of study focuses on fundamental knowledge of communication, marketing, economy, psychology and other findings in this field. Students come to know the field theory and at the same time they practical technical and technological characteristics of individual media. They learn fundamentals of journalistic practice (including electronic media), processes of article writing by its author to its preparation for editorial to the publishing stage. They get oriented in economic issues connected with media, beginning with prices of advertisements as for its material costs, from the management of financial sources in media practice to the cash-flow management. This knowledge is directly applied in the field of services because this market segment has its own significant particularities that have to be considered in the market communication. Besides the service sector the study program aims at the preparation of graduates for their activities in non-profit associations.
This knowledge can be applied in the graduate´s future work or it can be considered as a pre-condition of the on-going Master´s study program "Marketing Communication" provided by the IHM in Prague. Apart for the sector of services the study program focuses on the preparation of graduates for their work in no-profit associations (various foundations, social and cultural centres of cities and towns). This study field also aims at students´ preparation of media specialists in the state administration and self-government bodies. Graduates can find their future working positions in national and international sectors of travel and tourism industry, as well in all service sectors, for example as press agent, in the field of Public Relations, publishing of newspapers and magazines, in companies magazines and other mass media.